Giving back is core to our mission.

Giving back is core to our mission.

Sharks are often referred to as the scrappers of the oceans.  No wonder we love them so much.  We started the Shark Scrapper Shark Adoption Project (SSSAP) in 2021 with the goal of raising funds to donate to the University of Miami’s Shark Research and Conservation Program.  

Between donations from our YouTube subscribers and matching contributions from our own pockets we were able to adopt Ali’i Kai, the Great Hammerhead shark shown here.

We decided to double down in 2022 with our 2 FOR 22 campaign – the goal being to raise $6,000 so we can adopt two more sharks.

We are also setting aside funds to donate to vetted relief organizations to assist with the humanitarian crisis brought on by the war in Ukraine. 

Here’s how you can help:


Happy to help and learn